
Multifamily Events

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Journey AI Drips empowers multifamily marketers to create a positive resident welcome experience in a remarkably efficient and personalized manner.

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Converting toured prospects into lease applicants can be challenging in the fast-paced world of multifamily marketing. Marketers need effective strategies to nurture leads, build relationships, and highlight community features. It’s a time-consuming process that requires a strategic approach. But fear not because Hyly.AI’s Journey AI Drips revolutionizes multifamily marketers’ engagement with prospects through its Post-Tour […]

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Journey AI RAF’s Resident Referral Experience simplifies every step of the referral program, making it easy to implement and track campaign success.

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Journey AI Alerts is a tool that can help you nudge late-stage prospects to apply by sending timely price drop & availability alerts without overwhelming them with frequent notifications.

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As a multifamily marketer, you have an untapped potential in your bank of leads that have become dormant over time. This is not a missed opportunity but rather an opportunity waiting to be converted into a valuable resource that can result in scheduled tours and potential new residents.

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The world of multifamily is a competitive one, where every lead matters. The moment a prospect initiates contact with your property, the countdown to get them to schedule and take a tour begins. By leveraging Journey AI Drips, your property can stay top-of-mind effortlessly while educating and engaging prospects, resulting in more scheduled tours and increased sales-ready leads.

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We understand how important resident retention is for a property’s success. But, despite your best efforts, you may find that getting residents to renew their leases can be a challenge. You’ve tried sending reminders and offering incentives, but still, some residents choose to move out. So the question is, what might be the missing piece, and how can you find a solution?

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Why are Resident Events Important? Did you know that community events are among the Top 5 drivers for resident renewals? Therefore, executing successful resident events is the key to turning unhappy residents into happily renewing residents. Wondering how you could increase attendance at resident events? Well, do not worry. This article will give you three [...]
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