
Double booking has been a hot topic as of late (Think: United Airlines ). While double booking tours for multifamily isn’t quite that dramatic, it’s still an issue. We have mapped out the three levels of maturity for handling tour scheduling (separate calendars, shared calendar, and a universal calendar). Let’s take a closer look these […]

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  The 5 Levels of Maturity for Capturing Leads on Facebook Messenger The Evolution of Joe. Meet Joe. Joe, like you, has big plans for the upcoming year. You want to start capturing leads from Facebook and Joe wants to get buff. Strange as it sounds, you and Joe have a very similar path to […]

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Instagram Do’s and Don’ts for Multifamily Instagram has been great for keeping up-to-date with friends and your favorite celebrities (we are talking to you @shawnmendes), but it is rapidly evolving into a marketing platform for your property. Instagram makes it easy to stay top-of-mind, showcase your brand and opens a direct line of communication between […]

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Building Relationships: One email at a time Email marketing isn’t a new idea, but it is still a relevant one. We have generated the top 5 statistics that prove email marketing is still effective. Plus, we compiled the top 5 ways you can build relationships with your prospects and residents using email marketing.   ROI […]

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What is Google’s “Speed Update?” Google has announced that in July 2018 it will start using PageSpeed as a ranking factor for mobile searches.   What does this mean for multifamily?  Multifamily is seeing an influx of organic leads because of two factors:  Google is streamlining its apartment search result pages and mobile usage is steadily increasing. If your website has […]

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