
Last week, we discussed why PMC’s should be looking at the cost/lease instead of the cost/lead. We left off by saying Dynamic Source Insertion (DSI) and cookies are the answer to your Overly Attributed Property Situation (OAPS). This week, we are going to break down both of these terms and explore how you can implement […]

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Last week, we talked about tracking tags. You know, the first step in tracking web leads. Yay! If you stop here, you will be able to visit Google Analytics and see how many people are coming to your site from each source. Double yay! Or not. Google Analytics only provides an overview of how many […]

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Whether you are just starting to track lead sources or are stuck with an OAPS report, the first step is to get your web source tracking set up correctly for your property. We have identified two key places along a prospect’s apartment search where you are misattributing the source to property website and how to […]

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Spoiler alert: The majority of your leads aren’t coming from your property website. It would be awesome if your prospects search for your property website right off the bat. However, that’s just not the case for most properties, even though a lot of PMC source reports say so. If your sourcing report looks like the […]

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6 Reasons Your Lead Tracking is Failing Budget season. Don’t you shudder a little just reading it? We get it, especially after reading this Forbes article which stated, “74% of marketers can’t measure or report how their efforts impact their business.” Creating a new budget when you can’t prove what is working and what isn’t […]

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