What is Google’s “Speed Update?”
Google has announced that in July 2018 it will start using PageSpeed as a ranking factor for mobile searches.
What does this mean for multifamily?
Multifamily is seeing an influx of organic leads because of two factors: Google is streamlining its apartment search result pages and mobile usage is steadily increasing. If your website has a low PageSpeed score for mobile, your community may see:
- A lower rank on search result pages, and
- Fewer leads
What is “PageSpeed?”
PageSpeed is a score assigned by Google to reflect page performance. It is a number from 0 to 100 and is categorized as Good, Medium or Low.
- Above 80 is Good: A score above 80 means that the page mostly follows performance best practices.
- Between 60 and 79 is Medium: A score between 60 and 79 means that the page is missing some easy performance optimizations.
- Between 0 and 59 is Low: A score below 59 implies that the page has not been optimized for performance.
How do I measure PageSpeed?
Hy.ly has created a free Multifamily Site Grader that tests your website for its Google PageSpeed score. Once you enter your site’s URL, Hy.ly’s grader tool will:
- Give you your site’s PageSpeed score
- Compare it to Hy.ly’s performance-optimized multifamily website
- Allow you to drill deep into causes
- Recommends fixes to improve your PageSpeed
Go ahead, grade your multifamily site now at https://grader.hyly.ai/