Hayley Mail

Hayley Mail

AI Email Responder
That Feels Human
Around-the-Clock Replies
Offers immediate responses, ensuring constant engagement.
Property Media Activation
Incorporates your property media into emails, expanding their impact and maximizing investment returns.
Clear, UTM-Tracked CTAs
Features clear calls-to-action with UTM-tracked links for better insights into prospect behaviour.
FHA Compliant
Keeps conversations FHA compliant, ensuring inclusivity and legal peace of mind.
Workforce Multiplier
Automates personalized email responses, acting as an additional agent in your workforce.
No-Lift Setup
Offers hassle-free integration with no additional work required.
Frictionless & Lightning-Fast Conversions
Hayley Mail combines conversations and one-click actions for quick, smooth prospect conversions.
Insightful Responses Powered by Deep Data
Hayley Mail leverages diverse data sources to deliver detailed and contextual information.
Keeps Prospect Privacy First
Hayley Mail ensures prospect privacy by keeping their data safe in your private LLM cloud.
Deep-Linked & Personalized Content
Hayley Mail provides tour slots, unit availability, and floor plans based on prospect preferences.
Content & Picture Perfect
Hayley Mail replies with media-rich content, moving beyond dropping non-contextual links.
Structured & Contextual Responses
Hayley Mail gives prospects clear and easy-to-follow responses without clutter.
Always Friendly, Never Pushy
Hayley Mail prioritizes helping prospects without intrusive nudges.
Clear, Quick, Connected: Why Hayley Mail Wins?
Features & BenefitsHayley MailOther Mailbots
Essential Features
- Tour Booking
- Bilingual Support
- Hassle-Free Setup
Natural Dialogue
Smarter, context-aware conversations for improved engagement.
Based on Private LLM
Ensures customer data security, building trust and compliance with privacy regulations.
Thoughtful Compliance
Protects against legal risk with tailored, FHA-compliant responses for every inquiry.
Clear & Structured Replies
Enhances user satisfaction and engagement with straightforward & organized responses.
Media-Rich Responses
Engages users visually, leading to higher interaction and conversion rates.
Channel Continuity
Provides a unified customer experience across channels, increasing retention.